Mejruša Rustemović: I mi djevojku za rodeo imamo (FOTO) (VIDEO)

Mejruša Rustemović - Rodeo natjecateljka iz Kolorada predstavlja Mejrušu Rustemović, rodeo natjecateljku iz Kolorada, USA
Pripremio: Nihad Krupić

Ja sam jedna od najveselijih djevojka koje možete upoznati

Imam 18 godina. Živim u Kiowa, Kolorado. Jedna od najveselijih djevojaka koje možete sresti. Baš unikatna. Posebna. Veoma sam sretna i blagoslovljena sa svojim životom. Volim čitati i pisati. Pogotovo o romantičnim temama i onom što se dešava okolo mene. Igram odbojku i košarku. Išla sam u školu u Gvatamali, gdje živi moja baka. Život i kultura Gvatamale mi je otvorila oči i napravila odluku da pomognem siromašnima širom svijeta. Takođe, kada odem u Bosnu, imam  duboki osjećaj za bol Bosne i teške momente kroz koje je prošla. I to je veoma uticalo na moje odrastanje. U Bosni, jednostavno, ljudi ne trebaju mnogo, šoljicu kafe, bez materijalnog opterećenja. I sretni su. To je ono što sam zavoljela u Bosni. Govorim nekoliko jezika. Bosanski sam bolje znala dok sam bila manja. I sada je u redu, razumijem bolje nego što govorim. Jezik je živ. U mojoj kući ga uvijek ima najmanje 3. Sretna sam zbog toga.

Volim svoje ime

Moji roditelji - Melicia i Nevres
Moji roditelji – Melicia i Nevres

Moj babo Nevres je iz Kladnja u Bosni, a majka Melicia iz Quetzaltenango, Gvatamala.
Dobila sam ime od svoje pranane iz Bosne. Očeve nane. Volim svoje ime zato što je posebno i ime veliko značenje. To je ime nosila i majka Isaa poslanika. Nosim ga sa dosta ponosa, jer znam koliko znači za svu moju familiju. Moja pranana je bila vrijedna i poštovana žena i nastojim da budem kao i ona. Imam sreću da su mi roditelji iz dvije daleke zemlje i to mi je mnogo otvorilo oči da razumijem njihove različite kulture i nosim to kao identitet. Uvijek u srcu. Ja sam amerikanka sa nekoliko kultura, tradicija i običaja. Amerika je zemlja ljudi kao ja i veoma sam ponosna na nju. Od roditelja sam naučila da Bog ne želi i ne voli da se ljudi dijele i suprostavljaju jedni drugima  zbog različite rase, boje kože, pripadnosti narodu. On nas vidi sviju podjednako, kao ljudska bića koje voli. Zbog toga sam ponosna amerikanka sa bosanskom i gvatamalskom krvi u meni.

Moji roditelji su rasli uz konje

Moji roditelji su rasli uz konjeOdkad znam za sebe moja velika ljubav je rad sa konjima. Od hranjenja do treninga. Ja sam i takmičarka koja jaše okolo buradi. Kao amaterka sam osvojila dosta nagrada na rodeu i sada se takmičim u kategoriji profesionalaca. Za novčane nagrade. Uz takmičenje se bavim i treniranjem konja. Interesantno je da su moji roditelji imali konje ali naravno nije bilo rodea u njihovim zemljama. Još kao mala djevojčica koja je živjela u gradu željela sam da budem okružena i radim sa konjima. Roditelji su me često vodili na rančeve, gdje sam upoznala razne discipline takmičenja na rodeu. Sjećam se još kao djevojčica dok su me roditelji vozili na ranč, znali smo stati kraj pašnjaka na kojima su pasli konji. Ja sam im tada  prilazila bez straha. Takmičenje sa konjima je vrlo skup sport i sreća je da sam imala podršku svojih roditelja kada sam odabrala ovaj sport. Imati konje i rad sa njima mi je donijelo različit pristup života sa etikom koja je možda i staromodna za ove standarde i ne uklapa se u neke svakodnevne stvari. Kao što je i moje ime. I takva sam sama. Volim sebe što nisam kao i svi drugi. Bog je dao ove prekrasne životinje da se srce ljudi spoji sa njihovim srcem. I da ih uvijek osjeti. Veza konja i čovjeka je oduvijek bila posebna.

Moje omiljeno mjesto je Baščaršija

Sa mojim babom Nevresom kod Sebilja
Sa mojim babom Nevresom kod Sebilja

Kada sam imala dvanaest godina, prvi put sam došla u Bosnu sa roditeljima. I ostali smo nekoliko mjeseci. Bosna me oduševila. I danas se sjećam hranjenja golubova na Baščaršiji mom omiljenom mjestu u Bosni. Nosim prekrasne uspomene iz Bosne. Kada smo doletili u Bosnu, u Sarajevu, bila je magla. U zraku se osjetio miris dima iz peći na drva. Ljepota Bosne me je duboko dirnula. Shvatila sam da sam u jednoj od najljepših zemalja na svijetu. Voda je svugdje čista i kristalna. Kao nigdje drugdje. Sve je bilo kao u najljepšoj bajci. Nisam znala do nedavno da Bosna ima treću u svijetu populaciju divljih konja. Kada budem dolazila idem na planine gdje oni žive da ih posjetim. Tim divnim životinjama je sloboda veoma važna. Njihov galop u punoj slobodi je tako graciozan. To se mora doživjeti.

Gradim vlastiti “Stellar Rustemović Performance Horse brand”

Stellar Rustemović Performance Horse brand

U Americi postoji Finale nacionalnog rodea. Nešto slično kao finale NBA. Najboljih 15 djevojaka i momaka u svim disciplinama rodea dolaze u Las Vegas i takmiče se za titulu najboljeg u USA. Da bi došao u taj izbor moraš biti tokom čitave godine na rodeo natjecanjima širom zemlje. To nije lako. Uz svakodnevne treninge treba dosta novca i sponzora za takmičenje. To je moj san oduvijek bio. Ući u Rodeo Kuću Slavnih. Uz to želim da se bavim humanitarnim radom. Pomoć siromašnima, pogotovo djeci. Rad sa konjima me je oplemenio i uputio na tu misiju. Već radim na pravljenju mog posebnog metoda u radu sa konjima. Želim to napraviti kao brand. Naravno, sve uz pomoć i vjeru u Boga. On određuje naše puteve i pomaže nam da ih nađemo ako ih izgubimo.

Želim i nastojim da imam čist život u Njegovim očima.

Pozdrav svima u prekrasnoj Bosni i Hercegovini, domovini moga babe.


Can you tell something about yourself, family?

Where your dad and mom coming from?

As far as I can remember I have been in love with horses. My whole life revolves around my horses, from training them to just day to day taking care of them. I just turned 18 years old, I’m from Kiowa Colorado, and I am a very unique person. I am one of the happiest people you will meet, I love my life and I am truly blessed. I love to read and write; especially write! I love to write about romance and things I see around me. I have been homeschooled since middle school, I played a little basketball and volleyball. I went to school in Guatemala for a year and I used to go every summer with my Mamita (grandmother). I loved being exposed to the culture and life in Guatemala, it truly opened my eyes to the world and it has made me want to do more to help the poverty in countries such as Guatemala. I had another major shift of views when I went to Bosnia, the pain that country carries also taught me a lot. Going to homes where people were just having a cup of coffee and they were simply happy. They didn't need loads of money or material things to be happy, that’s something I truly love about Bosnia. I am bilingual, I used to be pretty fluent in Bosnian but I can still hold a conversation. My babo (father) is from Kladanj  Bosnia and Herzegovina and my mama is from Quetzaltenango Guatemala.

Mejruša is very old traditional Bosnian Muslim name? Now is almost disappeared? How you got it? As an American born with 2 parents different backgrounds, what is the most important mom’s and dad’s identity for you?

Yes it is! I got it from my great grandmother. She was the original “Mejruša” . I love my name as you said it has almost disappeared, a very unique name. It actually translates into “Maria, the mother of Jesus Christ”. I carry my name with a lot of pride since I know how special my name is to my family. I also know what a hard working woman my great grandmother was, I strive everyday to live up to that. I love having parents from two different backgrounds, it has made me very culturally diverse and has opened my eyes to what life is truly about. I truly value both identities as they are both very close to my heart. I am an American, and I believe when you read about me I am a true American. “American” is not just “color” as many may believe, America is made out of diversity, culture, traditions, and heritage. It is what my beautiful United States is made of. Something I learned from both my parents is that God never wanted to divide us by color or race or anything like that, God does not see color for we all have red blood running through our veins. He sees us as his creation, as humans who he loves dearly. With this said I am proudly an American with Bosnian and Guatemalan in me.

In what kind of sports you are involved? Awards? Why horses?

I played basketball and a little volleyball in school, I am a barrel racer and I train horses for people. I have won several titles here in the United States ranging from amateur rodeos to barrel races all over the states and now pro rodeos. It’s funny both my parents had horses but they did not come from rodeo backgrounds. Of course being from different countries where this is not something usual. I lived in the city but all I ever knew is I was going to ride horses, I always wanted to be a barrel racer. Ever since I was a little girl I had a love and passion for horses. As I said I grew up in the city and I would always beg my mama to take me to ranches to see horses. Sometimes when we were driving I would ask her to stop randomly and I would go up to horses in random pastures.. I am pretty sure I was trespassing as a 3 year old. I don’t come from much, all I know is how to work hard. I probably chose one of the most expensive careers but I am blessed to have parents who have not only taught me to have a spotless work ethic but also support me to the end. Having horses has also helped my work ethic, I am a young lady who does not fit in some of today’s standards and the morals people have. Just like my name I have been brought up in a very old fashion manner. Horses have also taught me so much not just about myself but about life. God let us have these amazing animals, who are so willing to learn things they aren’t necessarily made to do but they have the heart to do it.

Have you ever been in Bosnia and what is your favorite place in Bosnia?

Yes when I was 12 years old I visited Bosnia for the first time, we stayed a couple of months. I love the inner beauty Bosnia has and the stories the country can tell. My favorite place in Bosnia would have to be Baščaršija. I remember feeding the pigeons with my babo, it was a wonderful time and an even better memory. Something I remember clearly about my first time in Bosnia when our plane was landing, there was a lot of fog, and a distinct smell of all the wood burning stoves. As little as I was I don’t know why I remember that, but I do. The physical beauty of the country is what truly touches me, it has to be one of the most beautiful countries. The water is another detail I love, how clear it is. It’s like something out of a fairytale.

You know that Bosnia has the third largest population of wild horses. Are you going to see mountains where this horses have all freedoms.?

I actually did not know that! Now that I do I can’t wait to go back to Bosnia and go see these wild horses. I have always loved the freedom that wild horses possess, the ones that get to run freely are so special. They are so very beautiful and full of grace.

What is your goal, plan for future life?

Here in the United States there is something called the “National Finals Rodeo”, to give a comparison example; it is like a world champion NBA finals game. It is where the top 15 cowboys and cowgirls of each event in rodeo come for 10 days in Las Vegas, Nevada to compete for a world title. For me to get there I have to be on the rodeo road throughout the year, I am always looking for sponsors to help me achieve my goals and dreams and obviously there is always something in return for them. Making the national finals has been my dream ever since I can remember, I will not stop working hard until I make it and then my plan is to stay consistent and make it into the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame. I want to leave my mark on the rodeo industry. In addition I plan to continue to train my own horses and some clients, building my stellar Rustemović Performance Horse brand. Besides my love for horses I also have a profound love for people and helping. As I mentioned earlier I want to do something to help alleviate poverty. Related to horses and young children, I have seen so much violence due to poverty because a child was stealing because he/she was hungry. Horses touch people's hearts, if I can at least help a handful of kids stay out of trouble it would make my heart very full. I just need someone to help me fulfill this goal. What I put first, before any of my plans is God. I know nothing can be done without his help and guidance, which I know I am only deserving of if I live a clean life not in the eyes of man but the eyes of the Lord.